Mariners respond to Centerplate CEO’s animal cruelty incident

I’m glad there was some action taken on this.

From the Corner of Edgar & Dave

There are lots of animal lovers who work here at the Seattle Mariners and we were as outraged as everyone else at the video that shows the CEO of Centerplate abusing a dog.

Centerplate is an international corporation that provides concessions services here at Safeco Field and hundreds of other venues in the U.S.

When the video came to light, we communicated directly to Centerplate our concerns over Des Hague’s behavior (he’s their CEO), and that we expected them to take all appropriate disciplinary action.

Yesterday, the Centerplate Board of Directors announced their penalties for Hague (you can read the full statement from the Board here). In short, as a condition of his continued employment, Hague was ordered to make a personal donation of $100,000 to create a foundation, in honor of the dog that was mistreated, to support the protection and safety of animals in the city of…

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I’m addicted to fiber mysteries

I’ve always been interested in mysteries, so it stands to reason I would indulge in mixing my crafty interests with my reading pleasures.  Fortunately, there are a few of these series, some of which I enjoy and others I read, but drive me crazy. Maggie Sefton, Anne Canadeo, Mary Kruger, Monica Ferris, Sally Goldenbaum, Amanda Lee  and Betty Hechtman  all have series based on knitting, crochet or embroidery. I’ve scoured them all and will give you little series reviews  in future posts. Some have patterns and recipes, or links to them  at the end of each book. I have not made any of these yet, but some are on my “to-do” queue in Ravelry.


The baby blanket for my future nephew, plus a little bomber jacket was completed. I was happy with both, but would love a better way to weave in the ends of cotton yarn and must get better at baby buttons and buttonholes. The pictures don’t do colors justice so pretend they are prettier.

I’m making another pair of socks for Mike, specifically designed to be comfortable for the diabetic.  I’ll post a pattern for these in my next post and link it to Revelry too. I’m also knitting the Churchmouse Yarns & Teas, Easy Folded Poncho with a cowl neckline. I’m doing that out of the James C Brett DK yarn I’ve had in my stash for ages.  This is really a no brainer project and great to do while watching television.  No concentration required.

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Almost Summer

With my new-found organizational skills (ahem 😉), I have been a busy bee finishing up projects and using up stash yarn. I did end up buying  some yarn at the local yarn shop, but that was for a very cool project. (more on that later). So, what have I been up to?

The supposedly dead tree at the local dog park was yarn bombed as high as I could reach. Low and behold, it started sprouting new leaves shortly after that. I believe it knew how badly I wanted to see some color on it and put forth a colossal effort to please.ImageImage

My first attempt at yarn bombing, so forgive the amateurish effort.

I finished my first batch of preemie hats, from  a very cool free pattern on Ravelry and II was able to use up the remaining pound o’ love yarns and have finally gotten the shipping supplies to send them off. This is a new charity I’m trying, from a group called appropriately Hats for Preemies. Every 10th of the month, this group sends hats to NICU units all over the country. And I love the pattern! Varying the preemie size was accomplished just by changing  needle sizes. The pattern has several variations, all starting and ending the same way.


I also finished a few more hats, which will go out to the Washington’s Hats for Hope Initiative. You can find that group on Facebook. They are a sub-branch of the Emily’s Hats for Hope charity. And, a couple of market bags got knocked out, using up the Lion Brand Recycled cotton yarn.

Let’s see. I finished my ugly socks. A very tedious project I got bored with very early on. Because of that I started playing with ribbing, the feather and fan stitches and then a combo of both until I finally and thankfully, used up that yarn. Though I have several socks in my queue, I think it will be a while before I get back to knitting socks.


The new yarn I bought from Tolt Yarn & Wool, breaking my rule, was some cascade dk yarn in gray, teal, navy and white. It’s for the Crackerjack project and is, of course, for the Mariners 2014 season. I love this project. You keep a striped record of your teams wins and losses, home and away, for the entire season, knitting an infinity scarf. I also added yellow so I can run a line before every game that Felix Hernandez pitches. In the end, when I join the two ends together, I’ll do a narrow edge in the Mariner’s variegated yarn I bought at last years Stitch and Pitch.Image

Finally, I’m working on a summer shell and about to start a baby blanket for a new nephew. For a peek at my carious projects and notes, just go to my Ravelry page. Whew!



































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Spring Cleaning

There are definitely phases in my organizing flurries. Generally when things become  chaotic, it becomes more productive to sort, list and shelve, than spend hours looking for something I know I have. Over the last couple of days, it’s been books and yarn.

I made a rule that I wouldn’t buy new yarn until I’ve used up what I have AND I’d make things from patterns I already own. Considering that numbers literally thousands of patterns, I should be able to match some things up and at least make a dent.

We have a new yarn shop in town, Tolt Yarn & Wool, and I’m dying to buy some local yarn. Fortunately, the shop supports local sheep and alpaca farmers and the spinners of their lovely products. I am further pushing  myself to get this done (the organizing) since I can’t stay out of that lovely shop and so end up with more needles and patterns (which I also don’t need more of) since I won’t buy yarn. To save the purse for luscious things, I must use what I have.

There are five rules I learned many years ago during a particularly stressful life period:

  1. If it’s broken and you haven’t attempted to repair it in 6 months, you won’t fix it – get rid of it.  It’s trash.
  2. If it’s not broken, but you haven’t used it in a year and you’ve hit all the seasons, you either don’t like it, can’t wear it or have no use for it. – donate it.
  3. If you can use it, put it in a proper place.- now.
  4. If you don’t have a place for it, then you have too much stuff. – donate it.
  5. Once you’ve reached your current space limit and acquire something new, you must use rule 4 for something you already own.

I really do try to live by this, though it is very easy to slip into complacency and return to being a pack rat.

So, after rounding up all the books and the yarn I spent the last two days entering it all into my Ravelry. library, selecting certain patterns for my queue (things to make)  and entering all yarns into the Ravelry stash. Then I put them all away. The books could still be better sorted on the shelves, but that is for another day.

Happy Knitting!

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Needles and Pins

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, not because things have been uneventful, but because they’ve been eventful. Sometimes you need to ride the waves.

MS (multiple sclerosis) can truly be a pain in the arse. Just sayin’.

To keep me from throwing frequent hissy fits, I have continued to knit, learn new knitting techniques and read. Books ranged from mysteries, crime dramas, comedy, teen angst (omg, more on that later) and educational. Knitting projects were sweaters, hats, socks, shawls, and purses.

In the next few posts, I’ll give you some updates on my knitting projects and a few book reviews. Until then…


Just a little ditty posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

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