
2011-03-18 projsnuggle 001In the Crochet for Charity group on Ravelry I came across a post mentioning the Snuggles Project.  I had never heard of this before but fell in love with the concept.  I know I can’t adopt all the abused or neglected animals in the world nor am I rich enough to fund all the animal shelters in the world, but snuggles?  I can make some snuggles.

Basically, people create snuggles (little blanket pads) in any size from a small kitten size to a large mastiff size, that are then donated to participating animal shelters around the area.  It’s all over the United States and if your favorite one isn’t listed, there’s a FAQ sheet on how to get them involved.


-Great for beginner knitters/crocheters as you’re creating simple rectangles and can make them any size.

-You can use up stash yarn very quickly.

-It is very inexpensive, as cheap acrylic, washable yarns are a good thing here (yea, red heart super saver prices); even recycled yarns from old afghans, sweaters or terrible unfinished projects can be used.

-Some little animal gets something soft and their own to make their stay a bit more comfortable and secure.

So the pic above is of my first Snuggle.  It’s a little lopsided (I should not have tried to crochet the border at the same time as the main body with the eyelash yarn…too easy for me to miss stitches) but I think a little kitty or puppy would be quite happy laying on it.  It was made with one strand of red heart super saver yarn and one strand of eyelash yarn crocheted together in a hdc stitch (half double crochet).

Oh! And I found a Snuggles Project group on Ravelry too!

About Charlene

A knitting, quilting, crocheting, writing, progressive with a love of rescue animals, off-leash dog parks and a desire to improve my photography.
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1 Response to Animals

  1. dboolteens says:

    Addendum to this: There is a project sheet and they do suggest sizes of:
    14” x 14” for cats and small animals
    24” x 24” for cats and small to medium dogs
    36” x 36” for medium to large dogs


What do you think? Would love to read your thoughts on this.